Boys' Summer Book Club
There are a handful of young gentlemen* I know who are, shall we say, "reluctant readers". What they really need to increase their fluency, comprehension and enjoyment of reading is good, old-fashioned practice by upping the volume they are reading. In an effort to hold them accountable to increasing minutes and pages read, I'll be hosting a boys' book club this summer at Woodland Park.
Come on Friday mornings at 10am and/or Sunday afternoons at 6pm for an hour of discussion, snacks and hanging out with my favorite furry pal, Morty.
Book selections will draw from fiction and non-fiction, from Classics to current bestsellers, humor, sci-fi and adventure. I'll present a list of 10, and participants will vote for their top picks. Once votes are counted, I'll draft a schedule of pages to be read in preparation for the next discussion, and we'll get to it. Friday and Sunday groups will be reading different books - if you're ambitious, come to both.
High interest books will be chosen with a 4th-7th grade audience in mind. Readers of all levels entering those grades are welcome. Tell your friends! It's always more fun with more people!
You don't have to commit to every session. As long as you've read the material to be discussed and RSVPed via email by answering a short, comprehension question you're welcome to join us. $15 per session, mostly to cover the cost of snacks and Sounders tickets. That's right, there's going to be a raffle for Sounders tickets; every time you come, your name goes into a hat for a chance to win 2 tickets to a Sounders game.
Happy reading!
Email ( or call (206-549-1006) if you interested.
*I don't mean to pick on the guys or play into stereotypes. There are plenty of girls who could use the same practice, but there's just something about the culture of reading for boys and the particular population I've been working with that makes this approach timely. We'll see how it goes...