A fun, fast-paced word building game focusing on onset and rime matching to create real words. Great for early readers.
Find the similar symbol on a pair of cards... deceptively simple yet incredibly fun. Helps kids build focus, visual perception and rapid naming skills
Card game similar to War that relies on building words with the given spelling patterns - great next challenge if you loved Snap it Up!
Create silly noun-adjective combinations. Wildly fun for the whole family. Also comes in kids and travel versions. Builds vocabulary, parts of speech and general knowledge.
Another word building game, at the letter level, with endless ways to play. Play speed rounds for an addicting frenzy or work together to create crazy crosswords.
Addictive card game to build memory and math fact skills
Similar to Snap it Up! with domino tiles and a wider set of word parts. Supports development of rhyming skills, word building and reinforces spelling patterns.
Sparks the creative writer in everyone. Supports generation of imaginative ideas and development of organized storytelling skills.
Erin E. Bond